Blue Carbon Initiatives


Driving Blue Carbon Development

Conserving and restoring blue carbon ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrasses, and salt marshes, which capture more carbon than forests, can help combat climate change, create valuable jobs, and enhance people’s quality of life.

At TEQUINA WAVE, we measure, estimate, and certify the CO2 capture by reforested mangroves. Our aim is to help reduce carbon footprint and promote sustainability through our Blue Carbon Bonds.

Our experts employ cutting-edge technology to gauge and estimate the CO2 that reforested mangroves can capture. This data is certified and transformed into Blue Carbon Bonds, which businesses and individuals can purchase to offset their carbon emissions.

CO2 capture stands as a pivotal strategy in mitigating the impacts of climate change. Mangroves serve as efficient natural carbon sinks, and their reforestation can significantly curb carbon footprint.

We are dedicated to forging a sustainable future. Join us on this journey towards environmental conservation and the fight against climate change. Explore how Blue Carbon Bonds can make a difference.

Get in touch with us today

“Investments aimed at conserving and restoring mangroves, seagrasses, and other natural blue carbon storage systems can contribute to the vision of a poverty-free world on a habitable planet.” 

«These ecosystems not only store carbon but also provide a myriad of benefits, including support for fishing production and food security, promotion of tourism and employment, protection of coastal communities against climate disasters, and provision of natural habitats for wildlife.»

Valerie Hickey, Global Director of Environment, Natural Resources, and Blue Economy at the World Bank